API was changes and its not backward compatible!

Major changes in this release:

  • move BoardInfoGetter to C++
  • move DataHandler to C++
  • generate docs for all languages
  • add analog mode for Cyton based boards
  • pass structure with parameters to identify boards instead generic string
  • drop matlab package
  • also now we publish packages to nuget


import argparse
import time
import brainflow
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use ('Agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from brainflow.board_shim import BoardShim, BrainFlowInputParams
from brainflow.data_filter import DataFilter, FilterTypes

def main ():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ()
    # use docs to check which parameters are required for specific board, e.g. for Cyton - set serial port,
    parser.add_argument ('--ip-port', type = int, help  = 'ip port', required = False, default = 0)
    parser.add_argument ('--ip-protocol', type = int, help  = 'ip protocol, check IpProtocolType enum', required = False, default = 0)
    parser.add_argument ('--ip-address', type = str, help  = 'ip address', required = False, default = '')
    parser.add_argument ('--serial-port', type = str, help  = 'serial port', required = False, default = '')
    parser.add_argument ('--mac-address', type = str, help  = 'mac address', required = False, default = '')
    parser.add_argument ('--other-info', type = str, help  = 'other info', required = False, default = '')
    parser.add_argument ('--board-id', type = int, help  = 'board id, check docs to get a list of supported boards', required = True)
    parser.add_argument ('--log', action = 'store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args ()

    params = BrainFlowInputParams ()
    params.ip_port = args.ip_port
    params.serial_port = args.serial_port
    params.mac_address = args.mac_address
    params.other_info = args.other_info
    params.ip_address = args.ip_address
    params.ip_protocol = args.ip_protocol

    if (args.log):
        BoardShim.enable_dev_board_logger ()
        BoardShim.disable_board_logger ()

    # demo how to read data as 2d numpy array
    board = BoardShim (args.board_id, params)
    board.prepare_session ()
    board.start_stream ()
    time.sleep (10)
    # data = board.get_current_board_data (256) # get latest 256 packages or less, doesnt remove them from internal buffer
    data = board.get_board_data () # get all data and remove it from internal buffer
    board.stop_stream ()
    board.release_session ()

    # demo how to convert it to pandas DF and plot data
    eeg_channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels (args.board_id)
    df = pd.DataFrame (np.transpose (data))
    print (df.head ())
    plt.figure ()
    df[eeg_channels].plot (subplots = True)
    plt.savefig ('before_processing.png')

    # demo how to perform signal processing
    for count, channel in enumerate (eeg_channels):
        if count == 0:
            DataFilter.perform_bandpass (data[channel], BoardShim.get_sampling_rate (args.board_id), 15.0, 6.0, 4, FilterTypes.BESSEL.value, 0)
        elif count == 1:
            DataFilter.perform_bandstop (data[channel], BoardShim.get_sampling_rate (args.board_id), 5.0, 1.0, 3, FilterTypes.BUTTERWORTH.value, 0)
        elif count == 2:
            DataFilter.perform_lowpass (data[channel], BoardShim.get_sampling_rate (args.board_id), 9.0, 5, FilterTypes.CHEBYSHEV_TYPE_1.value, 1)
        elif count == 3:
            DataFilter.perform_highpass (data[channel], BoardShim.get_sampling_rate (args.board_id), 3.0, 4, FilterTypes.BUTTERWORTH.value, 0)

    df = pd.DataFrame (np.transpose (data))
    print (df.head ())
    plt.figure ()
    df[eeg_channels].plot (subplots = True)
    plt.savefig ('after_processing.png')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main ()

Update(August, 2021): Despite the fact that current BrainFlow version is 4.5.0, this example more likely still works since there were not many major changes in core API