Research Applications OpenBCI GUI GUI application to visualize data from OpenBCI boards. Timeflux Timeflux is a free and open-source framework for the acquisition and real-time processing of biosignals. MNE Scan Software for Real-Time Processing of Electrophysiological Data. MindAffect Python SDK code for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) developed by the company Mindaffect. Bonsai Bonsai is an open-source visual programming language for data stream processing.. BrainFlowsIntoVRChat BrainFlow implementation of bci-workshop. Neuromore Neuromore is an EEG streaming and processing studio. BrainBay Neurofeedback Application, designed to work with various EEG amplifiers. Add New Contact us to propose your application and we will add it here. Tutorials Code Samples Code samples from BrainFlow docs. Notebooks Collection of classic EEG experiments, implemented in Python and Jupyter notebooks. Advanced A little more complicated samples not listed at BrainFlow Docs. Blog posts Blog posts with tutorials or advanced examples. Add New Contact us to propose your tutorial and we will add it here.