Changes in this release:
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BrainFlow's Website
Create this website
Built website which you are using right now. Originally we were going to use org domain group, but price to buy it was too high.
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OpenBrainTalk Slack Workspace
Create public slack workspace
To answer questions about BrainFlow API and support users, we created public slack workspace.
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Timeflux + BrainFlow
BrainFlow plugin for Timeflux
Timeflux is a free and open-source framework for the acquisition and real-time processing of biosignals. Use it to bootstrap your research, build brain-computer interfaces, closed-loop biofeedback applications, interactive installations, and more. Written in Python, it works on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Made for researchers and hackers alike.
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BrainFlow 2.2.0
Add support for BrainBit device
Added support for first non-OpenBCI device - BrainBit
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